Interdepartmental Working Group
The function of the Interdepartmental Working Group (IWG) is to cooperate with the Ministry of Transport in preparing the document, provide necessary background materials and continuously comment on the document being drawn up.
The group will meet as needed during the whole process of the document development and in various compositions depending on a specific topic being discussed, to the quality elaboration of which the group may contribute with their input.
The working group comprises of representatives of the following organisations within the government and private sectors:
- Ministry of transport of the Czech Republic (MoT)
- State Fund for Transport Infrastructure (SFTI)
- Railway Infrastructure Administration (RIA)
- Road and Motorway Directorate (RMD)
- Waterways Directorate (WD)
- Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic
- Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic
- Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic
- Ministry of industry and trade of the Czech Republic
- Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic
- Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic
- Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic
- Regional Authorities
- Association of Regions of the Czech Republic
- Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic
- Czech Technical University in Prague
- University of Pardubice
- Czech Chamber of Commerce
- Transport Union
- Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Crafts of the CR
- Non-profit organizations
- Trade union representative
- Business representatives